Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My first Vegan wallet!!!

For Christmas - my hubbie gave me this Matt & Nat wallet!! It's awesome! My last wallet was falling apart and as things disengrate I am replacing them with more earth friendly/animal friendly items. In a local store downtown they were selling vegan wallets made by Matt and Nat. http://www.mattandnat.com/ which is based in Montreal Quebec.
I should have taken this photo the other way - but if you look at the top right hand corner you will see an inscription. It states:
"choose life choose positivity
choose the golden rule
choose to be at peace with
yourself choos salvation
scegliete di fate una differenza
choose to make a difference
choisissez de faire une difference
choose to be different choose to
be a rebel choose to be funky
choose to be yourself choose
to create a fashion statement"
Gotta love products like this one! Thank you hubbie!

1 comment:

Carrie™ said...

Hi There! I found you by way of another blog (Food Snob). I'm in Burlington, Ont. Loooovvve your new wallet!