The description of this award is as follows:
-------Now according to the information I was given - the person who started it all said:
“I love being a part of the blogging community and part of all the friendships that I’ve formed, so I wanted to give a blog award for all of you out there that have Excellent Blogs.”
Of course, there is a catch…
By accepting this Excellent blog award, I have to award it to at least ten more people whose blogs I find Excellent.
So, if you’re listed blow, please, consider yourself “Excellent” and thus worthy of this honor which I bestow upon you. And, if you have not yet visited these sites, I invite you to do so and experience some Excellent Blogging.------
Soooooo, here is a list of 10 bloggers that I considere 'Excellent':
1. Sara at Walk Slowly, Live Wildly: I think its awesome what she and her family are doing with the Live Lightly Tour
2. Kris at Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Cancer: Her work is very inspirational.
3. Meghan at The Healthy Cookie
4. Catherine at Food Snob: I love what she cooks up in the kitchen as well as seeing her try to 'green' her lifestyle.
5. Loving Green: she is very creative!
6. Simply Green Living: love the green topics she touches on.
7. No Impact Man
8. Aprovechar - Taking the full measure
9. So what do vegetarians eat anyways: a fellow canadian
10. Hedge Happenings
I read sooo many blogs and I find them all very interesting......I could list more than 10, but those are a start.....so go check them out!!
And thanks again Theresa for awarding me!
Awww, thanks for including me on your list!
(Sally @ Aprovechar)
You are very welcome! It's because of you that I finally found some vegan mascara, and links to some great recipes!
Thank you so much! :) I really appreciate it! *huge grin*
(ok, gotta stop blushing now!)
Oh wow, what a surprise.
Thank you for including me on your list.
thank you for making me smile - i feel so honored!!!
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